Prospect Camps Women's Volleyball

westmont women's volleyball


Curious about life as a collegiate athlete? 想知道你是否具备在NCAA DII大学水平上竞争的能力? The 威斯蒙特大学排球夏季精英展望营 是为想要在韦斯特蒙特学院成为排球运动员的顶级排球运动员而设计的. 运动员应该觉得他们有足够的天赋被NCAA DII级别的招募. 你们将使用与韦斯特蒙特大学排球队相同的训练方法和设施进行训练, interact with current coaches, players, and volleyball alumni, and meet with an admissions counselor. 住宿露营者住在学生在学年期间所住的宿舍里, and get the opportunity to eat in the dining commons. 韦斯特蒙特学院是全国最美丽的校园之一,当你探索你的大学选择时,这个夏令营将会提供信息和帮助,并且只面向女孩, grades 10 through 12, and junior college transfers.

2024 Camp Dates

July 12-14, 2024

(Friday thru Sunday)


$475 Residential (includes food and lodging) 



Ruth McGolpin, Head Coach


Camp Director and Head Coach: 

Ruth McGolpin

露丝·麦高平现在是她担任韦斯特蒙特大学排球队主教练的第六年. In McGolpin's first year as head coach (2019), she guided the team to a 31-8 overall record, 金州体育联盟(GSAC)共同常规赛冠军, a GSAC Tournament Championship, 并在NAIA全国锦标赛中获得第二名.  In her second year, the team went 15-2, won the GSAC West Championship, 并晋级到NAIA全国锦标赛,并在这一年结束时排名全国第十. McGolpin被评为GSAC年度最佳教练和西南地区年度最佳教练.  在她的第三个赛季,球队取得了20胜11负的成绩,并再次进入了NAIA锦标赛,这也是她在NAIA的最后一个赛季, Ruth guided the team to a 24-7 record, GSAC常规赛冠军和NAIA全国锦标赛前12名. In the program’s first year in the NCAA DII (2023), 露丝带领她的球队取得了12胜15负的总战绩,并在太平洋西部联盟中获得了第六名. 在她担任主教练的5年里,她取得了102胜43负的总战绩. Previously, 她曾在韦斯特蒙特大学排球项目担任助理4个赛季,并被评为年度助理教练两次(2016年), 2018). 露丝还曾在加州大学执教, 她一直是圣巴巴拉ag娱乐官网不可或缺的一部分,在2022年离开之前,她曾担任圣巴巴拉排球俱乐部的俱乐部总监4个赛季,因此她可以专注于NCAA DII的过渡. 当被问及她对韦斯特蒙特学院排球项目的看法时,她说, “对我来说,最重要的是努力培养一种强大的文化, 多元化的女性,她们将全面发展,精通商业世界的生活, with their families, 上帝一直在他们的生活中. 排球是我的出路,我想激励年轻女性追随对这项运动的热爱,这项运动给了我如此巨大的快乐和快乐.”

Westmont College 
955 La Paz Road 
Santa Barbara, CA 93108

How can I register for a camp?

所有营员均可凭信用卡及填妥的申请表预订营位. Click the "register now" link above to register.

Are all camps located on the Westmont Campus?

Yes! 所有营地都在韦斯特蒙特校区,并将使用默奇森体育馆.


合格的运动教练将在所有营地期间值班,以照顾轻微受伤和疾病. 如果有严重受伤或儿童因医疗原因需要提前离开营地,将立即联系父母或监护人. 请在报名表上注明参加排球训练营前需要注意的健康状况.   

如果我的孩子生病或受伤而不能参加夏令营怎么办? Do I get a cash refund?

取消必须以书面形式提出,以便有可能获得退款. Your email request must be submitted to 活动结束后两周内恕不退款.

What does each camper receive?



请使用这个清单作为过夜营地的指南:睡袋或一套床单和毯子, pillow with case, 2 towels, volleyball shoes, knee pads, 5 pairs of spandex, 5 pairs of socks, 5 t-shirts to play in, sweatshirt, sweat pants, pajamas, bathing suit, one pair of sandals, alarm clock, sunscreen, toiletries, and whatever else you feel you need.

What does the day camper option include? 



圣巴巴拉是最好的机场,你需要找到往返机场的交通工具. Please contact Coach McGolpin if this is an issue.

What is the typical daily schedule for a camper?

Day 1

2:00-3:00pm – Check in
3:30-5:15pm – Gym session
5:30-6:15pm – Dinner
下午6:30-7:30 -小组会议包括招生信息和招生见面会
7:30-9:00pm – Gym Session
9:00-10:30pm – Shower and Free time
10:30pm – Lights out

Day 2

8:00-8:30am – Breakfast
9:00-11:15am – Gym session
11:15am-12pm – Campus Tour
12:00pm-1:30pm – Lunch then free time
1:30-3:00pm -球员面板(与当前Westmont球员)
3:00-5:15pm – Gym session
5:30-6:15pm – Dinner
6:15-7:00pm – Free time
7:00-8:30pm – Gym session
8:30-10:00pm – Free time
10:30pm – Lights out

Day 3

8:00-8:30am – Breakfast
8:30-9:00am – Pack up
9:00-11:30am – Gym session
11:30-12:00pm – Checkout

Directions from South (Los Angeles)
Take 101 north and exit at Olive Mill Road. 右转到橄榄磨坊,然后左转到温泉路. 右转到梧桐峡谷路,然后在冷泉路右转. You may use the lower entrance on Cold Spring Road. Upon entry to lower campus, 过了石桥向右拐,上山左边就是默奇森体育馆. For most other areas on campus, continue up Cold Spring Road, 在拉巴斯路左转,穿过韦斯特蒙特的正门. 

Directions from North (Santa Barbara Airport)
往南走101路,在94B号出口(海岸村路出口-左出口). 左转到东卡布里洛路,穿过环形交叉路口,继续向北走温泉路. 左转到梧桐峡谷路,右转到冷泉路. You may use the lower entrance on Cold Spring Road. Upon entry to lower campus, 过了石桥向右拐,上山左边就是默奇森体育馆. For most other areas on campus, continue up Cold Spring Road, 在拉巴斯路左转,穿过韦斯特蒙特的正门. 

To view the campus map, click here.